Cayetano 2050: The second working meeting called «Workshop on Strategic Variables” was held

On April 12, the second working meeting “Workshop on Strategic Variables” was held within the framework of the Plan Cayetano 2050. Its objective was identifying and prioritizing the variables that together could catalyze the transformation of our university in the future.

The event was attended by government authorities, directors, chiefs, students, teachers, and members of the board of trustees. The workshop was conducted by Fredy Vargas, director of the Center for Strategic Thinking and Foresight of the Universidad Externado de Colombia, and Luz Martha Melo, consultant of the same center.

The workshop was divided into two stages. In the first one, a competitive contextual analysis focused on our university was presented; therefore, we were able to identify the challenges that we face as an organization regarding our environment, as well as determine key points of focus and attention. Based on this information, the second stage consisted of a teamwork activity to identify the most relevant strategic variables.

This is the second of seven workshops scheduled to take place during the year.

The Importance of Cayetano 2050

We ought to remember that the analysis of the future vision, Cayetano 2050, is a fundamental tool for our university to achieve its objectives and contribute to the development of Peru and Latin America. 

It is a challenging project that involves the university’s stakeholders, including teachers, students, alumni, administrative staff, and community representatives, identifying the challenges, as well as global and regional trends that could impact the university in the future.