The Universidad Cayetano Heredia strengthens its commitment to research at the XXVII Forum of the Future
Some of the main recommendations of the XXVII Forum of the Future: “Research Ecosystem for the Development of Peru to 2050” were to strengthen science with governance and financing, improve the dissemination of the Strategic National Development Plan (PEDN) to 2050, optimize the interaction between the public, private, and academic sectors; and generate spaces for collaboration with the private sector.
The event, organized on June 14 by the National Center for Strategic Planning (Ceplan), was attended by research vice-rectors from six leading universities: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Universidad del Pacífico, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería and Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.
Our research vice-rector, Dr. Carlos Cáceres, emphasized that Cayetano has established priority lines of research for internal funding, distributed among three institutes, nine centers, and several units. Among the most representative are the Alexander von Humboldt Institute of Tropical Medicine, the Institute of Altitude Research and the Institute of Gerontology. He also mentioned the Research and Development Laboratories (LID) of the Faculty of Science and Engineering.
From left to right: Mr. Giofianni Peirano, president of Ceplan, and the congressmen, Dr. Carlos Zeballos and Dr. Edward Málaga (Photo: Ceplan).
Dr. Cáceres also offered specific recommendations to improve research in the country, such as a better dissemination of the PEDN 2050 at a national level, the continuous evaluation of the plan and the need for dedicated research funding.The participation of Dr. Cáceres, as well as that of Dr. Edward Málaga, congressman and UPCH professor, highlights the commitment of our university to research and development of the country. The institution not only focuses on health and life sciences, but also on social areas such as education and public health, reflecting an interdisciplinary approach and a strong commitment to the quality and relevance of scientific production.